Astrological Chart Service

For instructions read the FAQ; and please share this page: Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter LinkedIn LinkedIn Reddit Reddit

Enter location

Choose a country to search, enter a place name or part of a place name (case-insensitive substring query), and click "Search" to search the coordinates database; or enter latitude and longitude manually and select "Check here to use these coordinates."

longitude ° ' ''
latitude ° ' ''

Check here to use these coordinates.

Enter date and time


Check here to use current time, overriding whatever is entered above.

Check here to allow dates outside the 20th and 21st Centuries. Read the FAQ first.

Name or title for chart

Choose options

The options box above is a multi-select box. Use Ctrl+click in most browsers to toggle individual options on and off. Just clicking directly on one will usually deselect all others, which is seldom what you want.

If you choose more than one house system, you get the alphabetically last one you chose, except that the equal and whole-sign systems override others. Generally you should choose just one system, except that the "5 degrees early" selection is an option that may be added to any other system. If you choose none, you get Placidus.

Aspect orb (percent of default, use -1 for no aspects)

Output format

PNG output can only contain one page, which will be the first one if you chose more than one. Read the FAQ entry about "PNG (view)" before choosing that option.

Copyright 2025 Matthew Skala. Use of this service is subject to the FAQ.